Friday, May 22, 2015

List of resource provisioned to user in OIM

Query to list the resource that are in different status for given user.

Table Name
Table Description
Object Instance Request Target User Information.

Associate user information to the resource object instance when provisioning take places.
Object Status Information.
Object Instance Information.

Once resource provisioned to user, OIM created resource instance for each resource provisioning.
Resource Object definition information

This contains detail about resource such as resource name, auto-save enable or not and auto-prepopulate is enable or not, and whether or not the resource object allows multiple instances.
It contains user information like login id, password, etc.,

SQL Query:
select oiu.oiu_key, oiu.obi_key, oiu.orc_key, ost.ost_status, obj.obj_name, obj.obj_key,oiu.req_key 
from oiu 
inner join ost on oiu.ost_key = ost.ost_key 
inner join obi on oiu.obi_key = obi.obi_key
inner join obj on obi.obj_key = obj.obj_key 
where oiu.usr_key =(select usr_key from usr where usr_login='chellappan.sampath');